07 Becoming a group member, being confident and showing emotions.jpg

Becoming a group member, being confident and showing emotions

Children at four become more sociable with other children but they still need your support when making connections, playing and learning. They are well aware of simple rules at home and when playing with other children but it does not necessarily mean that they will always follow rules adults give them. They can show changeable behaviour, such as be willing to listen and cooperate and next minute will not engage at all.


  • 4 years old enjoy active games with other children and adults
  • Use their imagination while playing games
  • Keen to continue a game by responding to what is going on
  • Talk is clear and enjoy speaking to friends and adults
  • Like to initiate conversations and wonder about causality
  • Have more control of hand coordination and scribble with confidence
  • Are active and enjoy physical activities such as running, chasing games, catching and throwing balls
  • Enjoys trying out new things
  • Plays family roles: mummy & daddy
  • Are more creative when playing and using toys/objects
  • Prefers playing with other children than on their own
  • Likes to interact with friends
  • Often do not differentiate fiction from reality
  • They are well settled among their peers and enjoy being part of a group
  • They are more confident and willing to take part in family life and enjoy spending time with others
  • They are happy to express their likes and dislikes to adults with whom they interact