Vaccination for Healthcare Workers
Immunization schedules vary by country depending on which diseases are most prevalent. You can find an overview of the recommended vaccines and approximate dates from your local health centre, doctor or your government’s Ministry of Health.
The recommended vaccinations below are provided to assist countries to develop national policies for the vaccination of healthcare workers (HCWs). It is expected that HCWs are fully vaccinated per the national vaccination schedule in use in their country.
- BCG: BCG vaccination is recommended for unvaccinated TST- or IGRA-negative persons at risk of occupational exposure in low and high TB incidence areas (e.g. health- care workers, laboratory workers, medical students, prison workers, other individuals with occupational exposure)
- Hepatitis B: Vaccination is suggested for groups at risk of acquiring infection who have not been vaccinated previously (for example HCWs who may be exposed to blood and blood products at work).
- Polio: All HCWs should have completed a full course of primary vaccination against polio.
- Diphtheria: Particular attention should be given to revaccination of HCWs with diphtheria boosters every 10 years. Special attention should be paid to immunizing HCWs who may have occupational exposure to C. diphtheriae.
- Measles: All HCWs should be immune to measles and proof/documentation of immunity or vaccination should be required as a condition of enrollment into training and employment.
- Rubella: If rubella vaccine has been introduced into the national programme, all HCWs should be immune to rubella and proof/documentation of immunity or vaccination should be required as a condition of enrollment into training and employment.
- Meningococcal: One booster dose 3-5 years after the primary dose may be given to persons considered to be at continued risk of exposure, including HCWs.
- Infuenza: HCWs are an important group for infuenza vaccination. Annual vaccination with a single dose is recommended.
- Varicella: Countries should consider vaccination of potentially susceptible health-care workers (i.e. unvaccinated and with no history of varicella) with 2 doses of varicella vaccine
- Pertussis: HWCs should be prioritized as a group to receive pertussis vaccine.
For more information on these vaccines, please visit WHO’s recommendations for routine vaccination HERE (external link data charges may apply)