
3. Find your supporters

  1. Your supporters, sometimes called your audience, are the people who feel the same way about the problem as you, and who will take action to support your campaign. If you want to start a school strike, your supporters will be the other students who also care about climate change. If you want to reduce air pollution, your supporters might be parents worried about their children’s health.
  2. The more specific you are, the easier it will be for you to reach your supporters. Don’t write down ‘everyone who cares’, try to figure out who has a stake in the problem, and who your target is most likely to listen to. For example, if you want to convince your government to lower emissions, the people with the biggest stake might be children and young people, because they are the most effected by climate change. However, the government might be more likely to listen to adults, so maybe you would like to convince teachers and business leaders to come out in support of your campaign.
  3. List 1 to 3 groups of supporters for your campaign. Next to them, write down the way you can reach them. How do they get their news? What websites do they visit most? For example, you might write down ‘Students – Facebook, WhatsApp, School Assembly’ or ‘Parents - Radio, Local Newspaper, Religious leaders’. Now you know your supporters, and how to ask them to join your campaign.
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